Alberta Lamb!

Local pride from our gate to your plate.

On July 23, 2020, changes were made to the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act (MAPA) to enhance governance, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Alberta’s agricultural marketing boards and commissions’ (MBCs) legislative framework, and reduce unnecessary regulatory burden. One of the ways in which the MAPA amendments accomplish these goals is by providing MBCs with the authority to develop bylaws. The implementation of ALP’s initial bylaws in 2021-22 involved drafting a new Alberta Lamb Producers Plan Regulation to remove various governance and administrative provisions and shift them into the bylaws.

Alberta Lamb Producers Transitioning to Bylaws Background Document

One benefit of adopting a bylaws framework is the nimbleness to manage changes or amendments in a timely manner. Development of, and amendments to, bylaws require stakeholder consultation, and approval from ALP’s producers/delegates/board of directors and Marketing Council. No further government decisions are required, and ALP is responsible for maintaining the bylaws and ensuring they are available to all stakeholders.

ALP Bylaws 

Alberta Lamb Producer Plan Regulation


The National Sheep Network is currently comprised of the Alberta Lamb Producers, the Ontario Sheep Farmers and Les Eleveurs d'ovins du Quebec. Together, the three provinces represent 75 percent of Canada's ewe flock and have joined together to leverage resources and producer leadership on issues of mutual interest. 

Membership to the National Sheep Network is open to any provincial sheep organization that is interested in working collaboratively to ensure the Canadian sheep industry is profitable and sustainable. 

Producers have indicated that they would like a better understanding the work the NSN is doing for the industry. The NSN has recently created a new section on their website called NSN Meeting Summaries, where starting April, 2022, meeting summaries from all NSN board meetings will be shared for producers to review.

About the NSN


  • Open to any other provincial sheep organization that wants to be part of the discussions.


  • National collaboration of interested provincial sheep organizations.


  • Executive from the member provinces meet monthly via zoom calls.


  • The NSN came together in November 2016 and formalized the collaboration with an MOU in fall in 2018.


  • Governed by a Memorandum of Understanding the NSN collaboration is an engagement between staff and elected leaders from the participating organizations utilizing existing resources. The intention of the collaboration is to:
  • Share information between the provincial organizations,


  • The NSN has no budget. Staff from each organization work together to carry the workload. Expenses are shared by those that benefit from the investment, allowing members to prioritize their spending.

Additional Background Context:

It is important to recognize that the NSN has reached out to the CSF to work together on specific issues, for example:

  • The Animal Health Canada working group – to discuss sharing costs of participating and representation. CSF said no,
  • Code of Practice Review – CSF said no, and
  • Pregnancy ultrasounding.

The goal was to find an issue that we could work together on as a first step of building bridges.

  • CSF has indicated that they will not speak to the NSN unless dues are paid, without giving an indication of what the dues would be, or what the return on investment for NSN would be, and
  • ROI is important, as it was part of the reason why NSN left i.e., questions were not be answered around how project funding for the Verified Sheep Program was being allocated. Producers were expressing concern about the CSF’s lack of response on the Scrapie Flock Eradication Program.
  • It’s important to recognize that the NSN has, on several occasions, reached out to the CSF to work together on specific issues (e.g., Code of Practice Review, Animal Health Canada Working Group, a new Sheep Value Chain Roundtable), and was turned down. The goal of this was to start building bridges and find a way to work together.
  • The NSN has also reached out to provincial chairs in the past to start a dialogue on finding ways to work together. Again, this request was turned down and recently the NSN was told that the CSF would not engage in discussions with us until after the licence fee challenge currently underway in Ontario.
  • Notwithstanding the legacy issues, NSN members have a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that expenditures are consistent with the their respective missions and mandates.

What does our Canadian Federation of Agriculture Membership throught the NSN do for our producers?

About CFA

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) was formed in 1935 as a unified voice to speak on behalf of Canadian farmers. Our work continues today as a farmer-funded, national umbrella organization comprising of provincial general farm organizations and national and interprovincial commodity groups. We represent producers of all commodities, who operate farms of all sizes. Through our members we represent approximately 190,000 Canadian farm families from coast to coast.

How CFA Works for Farmers

CFA aims to achieve a thriving and sustainable agriculture sector in Canada, which delivers real social and economic benefits across the country. We develop policies and programs through a grassroots, democratic process that engages our members in comprehensive discussions, considering policy issues from various points of view. Earning and maintaining public trust in the agriculture sector, through our words and actions, is vital to the CFA and its members.
Our objectives are to:
  • Coordinate the efforts of agricultural producer organizations throughout Canada for the purpose of promoting their common interest.
  • Assist members and where necessary, government, in forming and promoting national agricultural policies to meet changing domestic and international economic conditions.
  • Promote and advance acceptance of positive social, economic and environmental conditions for those engaged in agricultural pursuits.
  • Collaborate and cooperate with organized groups of producers outside Canada to further our objectives.

What CFA is Doing for Farmers

2022 has been a particularly important year, as this year is critical for the formulation of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP), which is the funding envelope for agriculture from 2023-2028. At a high-level, CFA throughout the year has:
- Hosted the FPT Roundtable, bringing Canada’s agriculture Ministers together to hear from industry stakeholders on the shared priorities of the sector in advance of the SCAP. Read CFA’s reaction to the SCAP here.
- Engaged heavily with government on a wide-range of environmental files, including the fertilizer emission reduction strategy.
- CFA is a founding member of the industry-led process to develop a Grocery Code of Conduct in Canada, to improve fair-dealing within the supplier/retailer relationship.
- CFA is working with the Canadian Agriculture Human Resource Council and Food and Beverage Canada to develop a National Workforce Strategy for Agriculture and Food and Beverage Manufacturing over the next two years.
- CFA sits on the Resilient Economy Roundtable, one of five committees tasked with producing Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy framework.
Apart from these, CFA continues to work closely with the government on issues as they arise to ensure that the farmer’s voice is represented and that programs and policies work to the betterment of Canadian agriculture


CFA Member Policy, Project & Legislative Summary Update

 Member Policy Update Feb 2023

2022 A Year in Review

 CFA Highlights for Members


Director in Training 
Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) Director-in-Training Program was developed to engage membership and stimulate Board succession planning.  A Board appointed eligible producer may participate in ALP Board meetings as a non-voting director to gain exposure to how the ALP Board operates and to become familiar with a number of topics that are critical to the current and future industry.
For more information about the program or to complete the application process, click here!

Director elections are held in the years when there are openings on the board, either due to directors completing their terms at the next AGM or that have left the board for other reasons. An official nomination is required to enter into the director election, and can be submitted at any point during the year, however is due on the same day as the ALP fiscal year-end. The nomination form includes eligibility declarations and request for profile information. A call for nominations will be made at the board’s discretion during the months leading up to the closing date for nominations. After the closing date for nominations, if there is only a sufficient number of valid nominations to meet the number of vacant board positions, no election will be held that year.  Nominated producers will be acclaimed to the board at the ALP AGM.
2024/25 Director Nomination Form
ALP Director Description
Director Expense Policy

To gauge the specific skills and representation of different sectors of the sheep-industry on the board, a skills matrix has been developed and is updated as directors leave and join the board.

In the event, that a director leaves the board at anytime other than the AGM, the board may make a written application to Marketing Council to appoint a replacement. In choosing a replacement the board may consider current directors-in-training and/or potential gaps in the skills matrix. If the application is accepted, the appointed director’s term would be until the following AGM.  The individual must complete the nomination and election/acclamation process before joining the board as a full director.

Alberta Lamb Producers operates under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, overseen by the Agricultural Products Marketing Council which has responsibility for facilitating the establishment and supervising the operations of agricultural boards and commissions in Alberta.

For a copy of the Alberta Lamb Producers Plan & Regulation, please visit the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act & Regulations webpage or download from links below.

Legislation and regulations mandating ALP operations:

  • Alberta Lamb Producers Authorization Regulation (Alberta Regulation 242/2001. With amendments up to and including Alberta Regulation 155/2017)
    The Alberta Lamb Producers Authorization Regulation, under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, sets out the powers in the Act that may be used by the Alberta Lamb Producers.
  • Alberta Lamb Producers Plan Regulation (Alberta Regulation 152/2022).
    The Alberta Lamb Producers Plan Regulation, under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, establishes the Alberta Lamb Producers, defines the regulated product, sets the purpose, administration, and financing of the Plan, and outlines the governance framework and election processes for the board of directors. Regulation must be reviewed before 30 April, 2027.
  • Alberta Lamb Producers Regulation (Alberta Regulation 389/2003/. With amendments up to and including Alberta Regulation 34/2022)
    The Alberta Lamb Producers Regulation, under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, sets out the day-to-day operations of the Alberta Lamb Producers Commission. The Regulation describes how the Commission will administer the Alberta Lamb Producers Plan and how delegated powers will be used. The Regulation describes service charges, the service charge refund process, and dealer reporting requirements. Regulation expires on April 30, 2027..

View the current, Alberta Research Projects as of June, 2022

Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) is committed to funding research. Partnering with other organizations, wherever possible, to work on projects provides better value as expertise can be shared, and resources and funding can be leveraged. 

ALP has changed the way we accept research proposals. By creating structure to this process, it allows for ALP to properly budget for research projects each year fiscal year and ensures the projects we support, align with ALP’s strategic plan.

Effective in  2021, our new Research Proposal Structure is as follows:

  • ALP will be placing a call out to researchers to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for upcoming research projects that will be seeking a monetary or in-kind investment from ALP. This call out will happen once a year, beginning in January of each fiscal year and will have a submission deadline provided.
  • The LOI’s that are submitted by the deadline will then be reviewed by the ALP Board of Directors by the end of April each fiscal year, who will then select which projects ALP would like to see full proposals from. Those who have been selected to submit full proposals for further consideration, will have until the end of June, each fiscal year to do so.
  • The ALP Board of Directors will then review the full proposals and decide which projects to fund by mid-end of August.
  • Lastly, ALP will then reach out to all proposal applicants by the end of September, of each fiscal year to let them know if they have been approved or declined.

Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) invites you to submit a Letter of Intent for research projects.

We  invite researchers with project proposals that match Alberta Lamb Producer’s Research Priorities to complete the Letter of Intent Form and submit it no later than March 31, 2025. Full proposals will be solicited in April with the target of having proposals approved by September 2025.

It is important to note that projects will be ranked accordingly on the following criteria:

  • Ability to fall within current ALP priorities. If your project addresses more than one priority this will be noted.
  • Ability to leverage funds. Projects with other funding partners will ranked higher than projects asking ALP for the full amount of funds. The more leveraged dollars you can achieve the better. 
  • Ability to communicate your research results and conclusions. Knowledge transfer to producers is of utmost importance. Mandatory activities include articles in the ALP quarterly N’ewesletters, factsheets, report for producers and a report for the ALP Board. Other communication activities include presentations at producer events, articles in agricultural press, etc. Please note: if you fail to provide communication material you might be at risk of losing funding or not receiving funding in the future.

If you have any questions, please contact Jolene Airth at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 403.948.8533.

Past Research projects supported by ALP include:

  • Adaptation and Development of the Anesthetic Elastrator Band for use in the Canadian Lamb Industry, Chinook Contract Research Inc, 2022.
  • Investigating the efficacy of Ovipast Plus® Vaccine in reducing bacterialInvestigating the efficacy of Ovipast Plus® Vaccine in reducing bacterialpneumonia in pre-weaned lambs and feedlot lambs, Dr. Joyce Vandonkersgoed and Dr. Cathy Bauman, 2022.
  • Incidence and characterization of feedlot lambs and ewe flock lameness in Alberta, Dr. Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, 2016 
  • Improved accuracy in diagnosing pregnancy and predicting litter size at early ewe gestation; Metabolomics analyses for pen side kit development, Dr. Susan Markus, 2016 
  • Reducing impacts of ergot alkaloids on performance of growing lambs, Dr. Kim Stanford, 2015 
  • Development of a respiratory vaccine for sheep, Dr. Andrew Potter and Dr. Joyce Vandonkersgoed, 2014
  • Predicting feeder lamb performance: a validation of Sheepbytes feeding recommendations, Dr. Susan Markus, 2014 
  • Investigating and mitigating the emergence of Haemonchus contortus as a major pathogen of western Canadian sheep, Dr. John Gilleard and Dr. Michel Levy, 2014
  • Benchmarking Canadian lamb carcass and meat quality through use of innovative platform technologies, Dr. Manuel Juarez, 2013

If you’d like more information about any of the research studies we have supported, or have questions about our policies, please contact the office.

The Alberta Lamb Producers Directors come together for face-to-face meetings 3 or 4 times a year, and participate in conference calls between those meetings, as needed, typically on a monthly basis.

During these meetings and calls, ALP business and industry issues are addressed, and action plans formed.  If you have an industry concern you would like addressed, please contact an ALP director.

Directors Meeting Minutes

2023-24 ALP Board Meetings

Bi-monthly board calls every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Quarterly meeting schedule is as follows:

  • February 23-24, 2024, Airdrie, AB.
  • May 26-27, 2024, Airdrie, AB.
  • September 13-14, 2024, Airdrie, AB.
  • November 23, 2024, Olds, AB.

Please call an ALP Director with questions or comments about matters discussed.

Alberta Lamb Producers Annual General Meeting Results

The Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) held its 2024 Annual General Meeting on Saturday, November 23, 2024, with 52 producers and guests in attendance, both in-person at the Pomeroy Inn & Suites in Olds, Alberta and virtually via Zoom.

ALP Chair Jordan Allen commenced the meeting with introductions of the board and staff and acknowledged the significant industry stakeholders present. She also reviewed ALP’s mission, vision, and organizational values. The membership approved the 2023 Annual General Meeting Minutes.

The business meeting included the acclamation of Directors. Four Director-at-large positions were available on the 2024/25 ALP board. Four eligible producers submitted valid nomination forms by the July 31, 2024, deadline, resulting in no election being necessary. ALP is pleased to announce the acclamation of Adam French, Richard Boscher, Alison Neale, and Olivia Blum. Additionally, ALP has one Director-in-training position available and will be recruiting to fill this role.
Finance Chair Adam French introduced Mr. Shannon Troke from King & Company Chartered Accountants, who reviewed the 2023/24 financial statements. Adam then presented the 2024/25 budget.

To submit a resolution for discussion at this year’s AGM, eligible Alberta Lamb Producers were required to complete and submit a resolution form to the ALP office by September 15, 2024. In accordance with ALP policy, no resolutions were accepted past this deadline or from the floor at the AGM. Four producer resolutions were received, and Vice Chair Marty Winchell facilitated the discussion and voting. The results are as follows:
1. Research alternative and/or additional distribution of CSIP tags.
  o Motion: Alicia van Oeveren
  o Seconded: Ken Smith
  o Result: Defeated
2. Discuss a lower shipping rate with CCWG.
  o Motion: Alicia van Oeveren
  o Seconded: Marisa Schuebel
  o Result: Carried
3. Research rejoining the Canadian Sheep Federation.
  o Motion: Kathleen Raines
  o Seconded: Hannah Logan
  o Result: Carried
4. Lobby for a national non-refundable check-off.
  o Motion: John Beasley
  o Seconded: Alicia van Oeveren
  o Result: Carried

Jordan Allen presented updates on ALP activities, and Adam French moderated the producer question and answer period.

The AGM is just one evening, but we want to hear from you throughout the year. ALP is your producer organization. Communicating with directors and staff ensures you get the most from your check-off dollars. If you have concerns, comments, suggestions, or just want to say hello, please contact the directors or the office. Contact information is available on the ALP website and in every N'ewesletter. Please email the office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to ensure your contact information is up to date, we do not want you to miss important announcements or events!


ALP Half Page 2024



Alberta Lamb Producers check-off - Your investment in your industry

As the voice of the Alberta lamb industry, Alberta Lamb Producers is doing everything in its power to make an already strong industry even stronger.

Alberta Lamb Producers operates under the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, overseen by the Agricultural Products Marketing Council which has responsibility for facilitating the establishment and supervising the operations of agricultural boards and commissions in Alberta. For a copy of the Alberta Lamb Producers Plan & Regulation, please visit the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act & Regulations webpage or visit the ALP Regulations page.

In Alberta, a mandatory service charge (check-off) of $1.50 is paid by producers at the same time they buy Canadian Sheep Identification Program tags. This is not a tag cost; it is a very simple and efficient way of collecting the legislated check-off. Also a mandatory check-off of one cent per pound of wool marketed, will be deducted and remitted to Alberta Lamb Producers.

Check-off dollars are critical to the future success of Alberta's sheep industry. ALP's core operations and services depend 100% on producer check-off dollars.  Industry support for external projects and research greatly enhances their funding level and success.  Typically every check off dollar leverages around $3 of external funding. A pretty good return on your investment!

Industry service charges are very important to a producer group, especially to this relatively small but expanding livestock sector. Check-off maintains the infrastructure of Alberta Lamb Producers and also leverages substantial external funding to enable development of the sheep industry. The Marketing of Agricultural Products Act requires commissions to grant their members the option to claim check-off refunds. Payment of check-off is mandatory at the time of purchasing CSIP tags, but sheep producers are permitted to submit a service charge refund request for full reimbursement (see details below). 

It is important that producers fully understand the implications of claiming a refund – reduced check off income will result in a reduction or elimination of the following services, opportunities and benefits. We run a very lean operation, there is no fat to cut, check off refunds will reduce services for all producers. If we want the future of the Alberta lamb industry to be sustainable and gain momentum, we all need to support it.

  • Advocacy
  • Quarterly producer N'ewsletters
  • Extensive producer knowledge Resources
  • Websites –
  • Information source
  • External project funding
  • Delivery of programs
  • Media features
  • Annual meeting & director elections
  • Sheep producers included in government programs
  • Opportunity to shape the future of your industry by speaking to your representatives and volunteering as a director to represent your fellow-producers.

Government need projects and advancements to be industry-driven; ALP provides that driver – your representation - to these projects. Without a strong infrastructure and a sound business plan, ALP could not participate to this level and leverage this kind of funding.

A refund request may be submitted for check-off payments made after September 1st, 2010.  

  1. A refund request must be received by Alberta Lamb Producers by the 25th of the month following purchase, e.g. if tags are purchased in January, the refund request must be received by Alberta Lamb Producers postmarked or fax-dated no later than February 25th – the same date the remittance is received from CCWG. No extenuating circumstances will be considered.
  2. All refund requests must be submitted on the form provided by Alberta Lamb Producers and made available on or from the office upon request. The refund request must be in the same name or names as the service charge was paid.  If the purchase was recorded in two names, those same two people must sign the request for a refund and the refund cheque must be made payable to those two people.
  3. Alberta Lamb Producers will refund the service charge to the producer annually within 30 days of the Alberta Lamb Producers year end.
  4. Each producer will have the option of requesting a refund of the entire service charge or a portion thereof.

CSIP Ear Tag Service Charge Refund Request form (pdf)

Wool Sale Service Charge Refund Request form (pdf)



There is tremendous potential in the market and ALP offers valuable leading-edge information and resources to help producers take full advantage of the opportunities. 

Alberta Lamb Producers provides a voice for the sheep industry. We work with the public, the media, the Alberta government, and funders and agencies such as the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (disbanded), and Agriculture and Rural Development to create positive relations that benefit our members and our industry.

ALP also represents our members on a federal level as a member of the National Sheep Network; to the federal government and at numerous other national and international organizations.

ALP is a central point of contact for all industry participants. Producer check-off dollars provide the infrastructure that creates a collective voice and a positive influence.

ALP’s Strategic Plan continues to guide our planning and day-to-day decisions. 

View the new, 2022-2027 Strategic Plan here

ALP values your input. A big ‘Thank You’ to producers, who attend meetings and provide input through directors and staff.


“Alberta Lamb Producers: Empowering the sheep industry through education, innovation and advocacy" 

Working for the Alberta Sheep Industry

Since 1972, Alberta sheep producers have strongly supported their provincial organisation, started as the Alberta Sheep & Wool Commission and renamed Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) in 2009.

ALP proudly works for every producer in our province to enhance advocacy, education, communication, research, and community-building for a stronger sheep industry.  The sheep industry can rely on ALP to provide:

  • Valued communications through N’ewesletter, SheepCentral Alberta (YouTube), Facebook and

  • Access to free educational resources, like the ALP management modules, that cover everything from health to feeding; predation to business to help develop more efficient and productive operations.

  • A hub for industry information, contacts, and resources. 

  • Advocacy at every level of government and industry to promote industry interests and representation.

  • Collaboration with government and researchers to work towards solutions to issues impacting the sheep industry, including the development of practical management tools. Leveraging of industry funds typically means three dollars or more of external funding for every producer check-off dollar received - a highly leveraged return on producer investment.



Together, our efforts are paying off