The Alberta Lamb Producers has a vacancy on the board of directors for an Interim Director and a Director in Training. All eligible producers are invited to submit their application no later than July 31, 2024.
These position will be filled through appointment by the board. As they are interim positions, an election will be required for the positions at the ALP Annual General Meeting on November 23, 2024.
Serving on the board is an exciting and challenging opportunity to advance your industry.
If you are interested in a position on the ALP Board, please submit your resume and the completed application to the ALP office.
ALP Director Application
ALP Director in Training Application
ALP Director Description
Position requirements:
• Must be a sheep producer residing in Alberta
• A keen interest in improving processes and resources for the industry
• Ability to work with other board members for the benefit of other sheep producers
• Ability to make the minimum time commitment of 3-4 in-person board meetings, as well as monthly conference calls
• Per diem and expenses are provided
• No previous board experience is required
• A strong commitment to collaboration and growth is important, as is a solution-oriented focus
In addition to contributing to your industry, serving on the Board has other positive benefits such as gaining:
• a broader perspective and greater knowledge of the sheep industry.
• important local, provincial and national contacts.
• skills that enhance other areas of business and life, such as experience in board governance, leadership, project management, communication and interpersonal skills.