Sheep Industry Publications
- N'ewesletter: ALP's quarterly newsletter contains updates of ALP activities and projects; producer resources for production and management; technology & tools for productivity; and industry information and news.
- Sheep Canada: Features articles on health, genetics, behaviour, and nutrition, as well as producer profiles, sheep research from around the world, and advice for beginners.
- Messenger Newsletter: Biweekly newsletter from the Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency.
- The Sheep Industry News: Monthly publication of the American Sheep Industry Association.
Sheep Value Chain Roundtable Resource Catalogue
- Listings of provinical sheep associations, governement contacts and management tools. Access on the Canadian Sheep Federation website.
Industry Information
- Alberta Environmental Farm Plan (AEFP)
- AFSC (Agriculture Financial Services Corporation)
- Alberta SPCA
- Alberta Trappers’ Association
- Canadian Animal Health Coalition
- Canadian gFARAD Veterinarians can request guidance on extra-label drug use, when it is appropriate, by making an on-line request at
- Canadian Food and Inspection Agency (CFIA)
- Ewe Planner- download a copy of EwePlanner, an Excel-based financial calculator developed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, to assist producers in making financial decisions about their operations.
- Green Certificate Program
- LIS – Livestock Identification Services
- Maryland Small Ruminant Page
- National Sheep Network
- Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency (OSMA)
- Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
- Scrapie Canada
- West Central Forage Association
- Wool handling videos and resources go to Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Ltd or call CCWG at 1-800-567-3693 for more information.