- Intro to Dairy Sheep Farming
- A Guide to Raising Dairy Sheep
- Flock Health Management for Dairy Sheep
- Normal Lactation
- Flock Health Management
- Mastitis Costs, Signs of Mastitis, Cause of Mastitis, Important Risk Factors for Mastitis, Detect Mastitis in an Individual Sheep, Detection of Mastitis using Pooled Milk Samples, Culture Results, Assessment Table, Treating mastitis in a lactating dairy ewe, Dry period management of mastitis, Environmental Control of mastitis, Controlling a staphlococcus aureus mastitis problem in a flock, When should eewes be culled because of mastitis?, Genetic selection for resistence to mastitis,
- Eradication of maedi visna from the flock
- Preparing for Milking, Milking Management attaching of Teat Cups, Recommendations During Milking, Removal of the Milking Unit, Hand Milking, Teat Dipping, Milking Order
- Parlours, The Basics of Cleaning Milking Equipment, Set-Up and Inspection of Milking Equipement
- Milk Quality, Somatic Cell Count, Bacterial Contamination of milk, Freezing Point, Detection of inhibitors and other chemicals, Milk Odour, Veterinary drugs approved for use in lactating dairy sheep, Detecting residues of drugs and chemicals in milk, Avoiding residues of drugs and chemicals in milk, Organic milk production
- Word or phrase definitions
- Monitoring and goal setting
- References and additional reading materials
- Quiz and answers
- A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- DSANA 2015 Symposium Information