Please find correspondence below to our producers from Westfine Meats.
The News section of this Web site is provided as a free service to Alberta sheep producers and the general public. ALP does not endorse or guarantee the information within and is not responsible, nor liable, for the representations made.
Proposed amendments to livestock traceability regulations now in Canada Gazette I for consultation
CFIA is pleased to inform you that the proposed changes to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations are now in Canada Gazette I and the 90-day consultation period is from March 18 to June 16, 2023. Below, please see the link to CFIA’s main consultation webpage as well as the direct link to the proposed regulations in Canada Gazette I.
- Share your thoughts: Consultation on proposed changes to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations (Identification and Traceability) - Canadian Food Inspection Agency (
- Canada Gazette, Part 1, Volume 157, Number 11: Regulations Amending the Health of Animals Regulations (Identification and Traceability)
Further to the release regarding the launch of consultations on proposed amendments to livestock traceability regulations, please note the proposed dates for the CFIA's sheep producer webinars below:
- Webinar – Sheep producers and owners
- English session – March 31, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (mountain)
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 293 306 602 176
Passcode: DpDgHYDownload Teams | Join on the web
Join with a video conferencing device
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Video Conference ID: 119 188 964 9
- English session – March 31, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. (mountain)
You will note from the consultation link below that there are various webinars being hosted by species and stakeholder type. You are welcome to join as many as you would like.
Click here to see the copy of the sheep-specific guidance document provided by the CFIA for the consultation. The document narrows down the regulation to requirements for sheep producers. The consultation link below also provides guidance documents for operators of livestock sites (abattoirs, assembly points, feedlots, etc.), exporters and importers, and distributors of approved indicators.
If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to CFIA directly.
Alberta Election Research Survey
The Simpson Centre for Food and Agricultural Policy at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary is working on a research program focused on the government’s commitments to the agriculture sector in the 2023 Alberta election and our support for this project would be invaluable.
The objective of this research is to help bridge the gap between producers and government policy. They launched a survey for Alberta producers in February, to ask them about their priorities. The survey is open from February 13th to March 13th.
The 3 reports that will be published and shared with producers as part of this program would be written in a neutral and evidence-based way to avoid political bias.
ALP Executive Director attends CFA AGM and advocates on behalf of producers
New financing option available to sheep farmers in Alberta
February 13, 2023 [Airdrie, AB] – Sheep farmers in Alberta have access to a new short-term financing option to add animals to their operations as part of a new partnership between Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP) and Scotiabank.
Correspondence from the Monitor of Canada Lamb Growers Ltd.
The Monitor can confirm the sale of the federal processing plant, Sungold Specialty Meats, has closed. There is no official documentation available at this time. The Monitor will be publishing additional reports on their website in due course.
Applications Open for YA Farm Business Mentorship Network Program
Young Agrarians is excited to announce that our Business Mentorship Network Program is expanding across the Prairies!
Do you know any young (or young at heart) animal or vegetable producers in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba that are operating a new farm (1 - 5 years in business) and looking for guidance to grow their business?
Then this is may be just the opportunity to get the support they need!
The Young Agrarians Business Mentorship Network pairs new and seasoned farmers together to cultivate the skills for running ecologically sustainable and financially viable businesses. It is a match designed to grow a new farmer's knowledge and business skills to build a thriving farm business. The program has been operating in B.C. since 2015 and is now expanding to the Prairies Provinces.
Since the program began we have seen impressive results for our Mentee participants! We have worked with 126 farmers on 86 farms supported by 50 Mentors! Immediate post program results have include a 48% increase in land under production, 64% more farm revenue and 72% increase in production.
Find more information about the program on our website here.
We are now accepting applications for Mentees and Mentors for the 2023 season.
The deadline to apply is February 13th, 2023!
Mentee application here:
We are also looking for Farm Business Mentors ( a paid position) who are able to connect, listen and offer guidance and support to new farmers. We offer an online self-paced Mentor Training program and other tools to support the Mentorship process.
If you know of a seasoned farmer that may make a good Mentor please forward this message.
Mentor application here:
Please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.
Lloydminster Food Trade Pilot
As you may have heard, Alberta and Saskatchewan, in collaboration with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce, are launching a food trade pilot in the city of Lloydminster. The goal of the pilot is to allow Alberta and Saskatchewan businesses to freely trade food into and within the City of Lloydminster as if it was located in one province and not divided by a provincial border. For more information, please see the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s Notice of Intent/Avis d’intention and the attached news release.
Producer Spotlight: From our producer’s perspective
ALP is currently looking for a producer to feature in our Spring N’ewesletter!
ALP introduced a new producer spotlight section this past month in our quarterly N’ewesletters, to let our producers get to know one and other and learn about the vast amount of sheep operations we have here in Alberta.
With that being said, we want to hear from “ewe.” Would you like to write a small (or big) article for us explaining about your business and what you do? Some ideas could include:
- Your farming operation: for example, number of animals, time in the industry, breeds, system (intensive vs extensive). Boast about what you do best. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 sheep or 10,000.
- Choose your own personal angle. What are you passionate about within the sheep industry? Why did you join the industry and what interests you about it? Talk about it; it can be anything—innovation, wool, breeding, feed, medication vs holistic, machinery, tips and tricks, whatever tweaks your interest.
- What are your plans for the future in the sheep industry? Is there something you want to see happen in the industry? Have you got personal goals you want to achieve on your farm?
These articles are all about you and your operations. We want to use them as a way to encourage producer networking, asking questions, and learning from each other about what we all do best—sheep farming. The more we can share as an industry, the stronger we can become!
The deadline to submit intent to write for each N’ewesletter edition is*:
Spring Edition: February 15th 2023
Summer Edition: May 20th 2023
Fall Edition: July 23rd 2023
Winter Edition: November 2nd 2023
Please express your interest to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 403-948-8533.
*If there are multiple submissions for each edition, we will put names into a draw and let the winner know. You can apply for as many editions as you like. Please note, from the submission date above, you will have one month to write and submit your article back to ALP for proofreading and formatting.